(Updated Febraury 25, 2009)
The contents on this web site are copyrighted by law as originals. Unless stated on the pages. Some stuff on Bike Mike World are copyrighted by the rightful people.
In preparation of this site, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular, but without limiting anything here, the Bike Mike World disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that may be contained on the Bike Mike World Web pages. Bike Mike World also has the right to make changes at any time without notice.
The documents on this site provide access to the World Wide Web. Because this website is connected to the Internet, once you leave Bike Mike World site, Bike Mike World cannot control the information you access outside of it. Each individual site has its own set of policies about what information is appropriate for public access.
*** If you do not see the text words with image text words saying....."BIKE MIKE WORLD is.....Powered By CoffeeCup Software" and "No part of "Bike Mike's World" may be copied. Must ask before doing so. ©1995 to 2009 . . . Thank You!!" at the bottom of the page. Then you are NOT on Bike Mike World. Look at the bottom of this page. What you see at the bottom of this page is on ALL of Bike Mike World pages.
*** Bike Mike World or webmaster Bike Mike is NOT in NO control of websites outside of Bike Mike World. Website links in "BM Cool Sites", "Local Sites", "Mike Friends", "Mike Hobbies" under "Know Bike Mike", few links in "Torchbearer Mike", some links in "BM Bike Tour Stories", "BM Awards" and "BM Sponsor"
*** Bike Mike World in control of a GuestBook. Which is run by eFreeGuestBook.com. Bike Mike moderates the guestbook under "Guest Book" link. Anyone signing the guestbook. Bike Mike views it first. To make sure it is clean. Before it seen by the internet public.
*** Photos on Bike Mike World mostly taken by Bike Mike. Some photos on Bike Mike World has given Bike Mike permission to view photos on this site. Photos taken by another person or company is given credit for taking that photo or photos.
*** Any story or stories on Bike Mike World that was writen by others or company. Permission was granted to put onto Bike Mike World. Bike Mike do give credit to those that did the story or stories. Also thanks them.
*** If that website is clean. That website link will not be taken off in what so ever. The only way a website link is to be taken off. If it has bad language or bad photos. If you see a bad website. Please let webmaster Big Mike know as soon as possible. So the webmaster can check the website out. If that link is doing something bad. The webmaster will take the link off from Bike Mike World.
*** The ePledge is a online Pledge / Donation and is run by the Multiple Sclerosis Society. It is legal in all ways. All donations raised goes to the Multiple Sclerosis local and national level for research and more. All MS riders and MS Walkers gets to create a online Participant Personal Page after they register for that particular event.
To email the webmaster is by CLICKING HERE to the mail form ! ! ! !