Greater North Jersey Chapter MS-100
   (Updated November 6, 2005)

BIG MIKE's 1998-99 MS-100 Photo Page

       Welcome to the 1998-99 Photo Page. You will see photos from the MS-100 mile bike tour. Mike like to thank his friend and family in the past for letting him borrow the digital camera to using a scanner. The photos you will see are from September of 1998-99. Hope you enjoy the photos on this page.
       All photos on this page is in JPG and GIF color format. It is tagged. Must have permission to copy or paste any place else. Thank You!!

The bike big enough for you. Would not mind trying this bike out. A nice bike to have. Later on in the tour. The person that owns this bike crashed it going down a hill. The brakes gave out. The photo was taken Sept. 1998 in Ramsey, NJ at the start of the tour.

Mike ontop of the world Here is a pic of Big Mike on a hill during the second day of the MS-100 tour in September 1998.

Mike and his friend Emme Here is a pic of Big Mike and Emme A at the end of the MS-100 tour at the Ramsey Train Station in September 1999.

Keeping us all safe Here is Big Mike with a few volunteer police officers along the route of the MS-100 in September 1999.

Lunch time with a friend Here is a cyclist with Big Mike at lunch on the second day of the MS-100 in September 1999.

Mooo it along now As Mike passed a farm. He took this shot of the cows during the MS-100 bike tour in September 1999.

Huff and puff an it up da hill Here are a couple of MS cyclist coming up a hill near a farm in the MS-100 tour in 1999.

Mike is on top of the world in 1999 Here is Big Mike at the top of a hill on the seocnd day of the MS-100 bike tour in September 1999..

Where all the bikes are parked for the night Here is a pic of Big Mike at a indoor tennis court. Where all the bikes are parked overnight in the MS-100 in September 1999.

Mike wearing a pinwheel hat Here is Mike with a pinwheel hat. The cyclist on the right of the photo is the one that gave Mike the pinwheel hat at a rest stop on the MS-100 bike tour in September 1999.

Mike in front of a church Bike Mike at a rest stop on the second day of the tour in September 1999.

Mike standing next to a MS-100 van Mike standing next to the Diet Coke MS-100 van during the MS-100 bike tour in September 1999.

police horse Mike tried to make a trade with the officer on the horse. Trade his bike for the horse during the MS-100 bike tour in September 1999.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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