BIG MIKE's MS-100 2001 Page
Welcome to the MS-100 2001 Photo Page. You will see photos of Mike and photos from the Greater North Jersey Chapter 100 mile bike tour. Mike like to thank those for letting him use a scanner to post the bike tour photos. The photos you will see are from September 22 and 23, 2001. Hope you enjoy the photos on this page.
All photos on this page is in GIF color format. It is tagged. Must have permission to copy or paste any place else. Thank You!!
Here is a photo of me and a vet MS biker fooling around on a mini trick bike at the Ramsey train station. I thought he was gonna pedal 100 miles on this trick bike. This pic was taken on September 22, 2001.
My mom took this pic of me at the Ramsey train station MS bike tour start line on September 22, 2001.
Who wants to play in the hot tub here with me? This was taken at Legend's Resort in Vernon, NJ. Where all the MS bikers and staffs on the MS-100 bike tour stayed over night on September 22, 2001.
Nooooow !!! Here is a funny man Joey Kola. He appeared on Rosie O'Donnel Show on ABC and the David Letterman Show on CBS. He donated his time to do a show for all the MS bikers and MS staffs the night of September 22, 2001 at Legend's Resort.
Clown man and Big Mike posing for the camera at a rest stop on Sept 23rd of the MS-100 2001 bike tour.
A good friend of my sister Gina. He be a rookie MS-100 biker. Hanging out at a rest stop on Sept. 23, 2001.
Now tell me that ain't a beautiful view. This view is after climbing the biggest hill on Sept. 23, 2001 of the MS-100 tour.
Big Mike on Sept. 23, 2001 MS-100 bike tour says,"Don't have a cow man."