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   (updated June 10, 2006)

"Belleville Bike Mike Jacket"

Belleville Bike Mike jacket

       May 29, 2005 . . . This Bellville High style like jacket you see is a gift from a Belleville business called "World Wide Gear". The back: BELLEVILLE BIKE MIKE. The front right: "Mike" in gold script and front left: "World Wide Gear" logo.
       If you like a sports uniform or school jackets made up. Please give a call to 973-450-0010.
       World Wide Gear is one of many that helped Mike reach past his goal of $2,040.00 for Multiple Sclerosis in May 2005 and $2,634.00 May of 2006. Thank You "World Wide Gear" for this wonderful jacket.

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Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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