Bike Mike Bike Tour Stories
   (updated March 22, 2008)

"New Bike Mike World"

       Mike started a homepage back on July 1, 1995 with only two page then. Mostly about things he does and more.
       Then started to add more when Prodigy allowed to add more stuff to homepages. Started to add about the Multiple Sclerosis bike oturs he does. Then was allowed to add photos. Mike put up photos from the Multiple Sclerosis bike tours in the late 1990's.
       The page name changed a bit two times in the past. Then it held on with till July of 2007.
       The name has also changed from Big Mike Jr. Page to Bike Mike's World. Now it is Bike Mike World.
       The storage size has changed over the years for Prodigy members. The max size now for users of AT&T Yahoo! Dial is 15 megs.
       Bike Mike World is now 1 giga bytes of storage and with it own domain name. Got the domain name and storage as a birthday gift from a friend name Scott W. back in February of 2006. So that Mike can really open up. To improve his website.
       Scott W. told Mike about the FTP program from Mike wrote an email to CoffeeCup about the FTP program and his website. CoffeeCup saw Mike's website and wanted to help. Then helped by doating software that Mike would need to make his website better. Including the FTP program to upload to the server.
       Mike went to work on re-doing the entire website for three months. Mike was ready to put up the site before the Perfect Pitch Home Run Derby. Had some problem for one week.
       Mike brand new site is now up on the air. Thanks to all those that helped trsting the site and supporting Mike from past to present.


GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
No part of "Bike Mike's World"
may be copied.
Must ask before doing so.
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Bike Mike World is made with 100% CoffeeCup Software.
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