Mid-Jersey Chapter MS 170 Photos
   (Updated November 7, 2005)

BIG MIKE's MS-170 Photo Page

       Welcome to the 1999 and 2000 MS-170 Photo Page. You will see photos of Mike and photos from the "Coast the Coast" 170 mile bike tour. Mike like to thank his friend for letting him use there scanner. The photos you will see are from May 1999 and May 2000. Hope you enjoy the photos on this page.
       All photos on this page is in GIF color format. It is tagged. Must have permission to copy or paste any place else. Thank You!!

WNBC banner in back of Mike and Lorenzo Big Mike and Lorenzo posing in front of WNBC-4 banner at the start of the MS-170 mile two day bike tour from Sandy Hook, NJ to Cape May, NJ in May of 1999.

Big Mike at last rest stop of first day Mike posing in front of Lucille's Country Cooking Catering on Route 539 in Warren Grove, NJ on the second day of the 170 mile bike tour May 2000.

WNBC-4 better watch out for Big Mike NBC better watch out for Big Mike. Mike is here holding the WNBC-4 mic at the rest stop in Belmar, NJ on the first day of the 170 mile bike tour May of 1999.

Lorenzo rode with Mike in 1998 and 1999 My best friend since we was about 11 years old. Now he lives to far away to play video games and have BBQs.

Mike gobbles a sandwhich as Lorenzowaits Lunch time for Lorenzo and Mike on the second day of the MS-170 bike tour in 1999.

Big Mike at the finish line Biker Mike pose in front of the US Coast Guard Station water tower. The finish line of the two day 170 mile bike tour in May 1999.

WOBM radio hangs out at lunch Lorenzo and Mike at lunch in Toms River on the first day of the 170 mile bike tour. Lunch was at the Washington Street school near route 37 east. WOBM 92.7FM Soft Rock was there to keep us company.

Mike and Lorenzo hangs out one last time in a MS bike tour Here is one of the coolest photo. Big Mike and Lorenzo at the start in Sandy Hook, NJ. May of 1999. It would be the last time we ever ride as together in the bike tour.

Mike on Route 37 bridge Here is Mike in the rain on the bridge of route 37 west. Heading towards Toms River. One lane of the bridge is closed off. So bikers can cross the bridge. Photo was taken on the first day of the MS-170 mile bike tour of May 2000.

Mike showing off the amount at WBHS studio Big Mike is the editor for WBHS-34. Showing off a poster sign that says,"Big Mike Dowd" #18 Belleville, NJ raised $2,240.00 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society." But as of July 2000. Mike raised a final total of $2,390.00 for the Mid-Jersey Chapter. The poster was made to be shown on WNBC-4 on the bike tour. Which Mike was interviewed in Belmar, NJ rest stop in the rain.

3ms170-2000.gif Could not find anyone to get a picture of me with the sign. So here is my awesome Cannondale T-700 bike on route 539 on the first day of the MS 170 mile bike tour. Only a few short miles from the finish in May 2000. It is showery out also. Did I mention the end for the first day was in Tuckerton.

4ms170-2000.gif Here is Scott W. handing Big Mike a big fat check for the May 2000 MS bike tour at the Belleville Fire Department Headquarters. A pledge from the FMBA.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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