Mid-Jersey Chapter MS 170 Photos
(Updated June 16, 2008)

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BIKE MIKE 2008 Photo Page Two

       Welcome to the 2008 MS-170 Photo Page. You will see photos of Mike and photos from the "Coast the Coast" 170 mile bike tour. The photos you will see are from May 17 and 18, 2008. Hope you enjoy the photos on this page.
       All photos on this page is in JPG color format. Must have permission to copy or paste any place else. Thank You!!

Mike with group at Ocean Vo-Tech rest stop Here is Mike with a couple of cool bikers on the road. Photo taken at the Ocean Vo-Tech rest stop at 2:29pm.

Barnegat Police in the house Here is the Barnegat Police making sure everything is alright.

How many miles? Shows how many you have done so far on the first day of the bike tour. Ocean Vo-Tech rest stop still.

Mike pass them all the time Mike caught up to his two new friends at the Lucille's Kitchen rest stop at 3:15pm. Mike passes them after each rest stop.

Mike's bike on Route 539 Mike wanted to get his awesoem bicycle on camera by itself at the Lucille's rest stop on Route 539 south.

72.5 Mile marker and message board Mike so far made it 72.5 miles. Which is the Lucielle's rest stop.

Only you can prevent wildfires This was across the street from Lucielle's rest stop on Route 5339 south.

more Lucielle's rest stop photos Here are a couple of happy bikers coming to the Lucielle's rest stop.

Mike made it to the finish at the Pineland Regional in Tukcerton. DJ Fred and Bike mike Mike made it to the finish of the first day by going up to DJ Fred for a photo shoot. Which was 4:28pm.

Bikers setting up there favorite sleeping spot Here is a shot from the gym at 5:20pm. Mike and other bikers bring there own sleeping bag. Place it on the gym wrestling mat for some comfort. Mike been doing this since 1993.

Mike's sleeing area for the night. Here is Mike's sleeping area for the night. Mike has a large size sleeping bag. He likes a lot of room.

Wall of Hope A cool photo of Mike standing behind the "Wall of Hope" at Pineland Regional in Tuckerton.

First photo of Tuckerton Seaport The Tuckerton Seaport in Tuckerton, NJ. This is where the dinner was for Multiple Sclerosis bike tour bikers and volunteers. As you can see ontop of this biulding. Is a lighthouse. If you like to check out the tuckerton Seaport. Go to Exit 58 on the Garden State Parkway. At the end of the exit ramp. A sign will be in front of you. Pointing the way to Tuckerton Seaport.

Mike at Tukerton Seasport Mike took a photo of himself at the Tukerton Seaport in Tuckerton, NJ.

boats at Tuckerton Seaport Here are a few boats docked at the Tuckerton Seaport.

Live music Live music being played for all the MS volunteers and MS bikers during the outdoor dinner.

Bikers, MS Staff and volunteers hanging out Here is a shot of a couple of MS Staff, MS bikers and volunteers hanigng out and having a good time.

MS bikers going on a free boat ride. Couple of MS bikers going on a gree boat ride.

A tiny tour. Here one of many figures from inside one of the many buildings at the Tuckerton Seaport.

A shot from the boat dock A cool photo shot fro mthe boat dock.

That is a cool boat Bike Mike standing in front of a cool sial boat.

Shot from the top of the tiny lighthouse ontop of this building. The top view is from the tiny lighthouse ontop of the earlier photo you saw.

awesome sunset!! Mike here with a awesome sunset for sure at 7:37pm. From atop of the tiny lighthouse on top of the buidling. Here at the Tuckerton Seaport.

Photo says it all The school is proud of it teacher for cycling for a great cause.

The ladder meter Mike says that the photo says it all. This banner is inside of the cafeteria. Like Bike Mike here. He falls down. Gets right back up and continues on. Never give up! Never say you can't. Mike looks at the banner every year.

Good Sunday Morning!! Now is this a nice sunrise or what? 5:55am sunday morning.

Mike in bike heaven Mike is standing in the bike hallway parking lot at 6:12am..

A cyclist getting ready Here is a cyclist getting ready to ride and finish up the 170 mile ride.

Blind Cyclist Aboard Mike is blind and has bad vision. Mike thought of an idea. He hoped it would slow down drivers. So Mike made this cool bright fanny bag sign that reads "Blind Cyclist Aboard".

Everyone stocking up on breakfast All the bikers are stocking up on breakfast at 6:49am.

Mike and Mike posing here Mike Zimits and Bike Mike posing for the camera. Mike Zimits is apart of "The MS Great 8 Foundation". To find out more about this. Then please go to "The Great 8 Foundation" website for all the information.

Bikers preparing to get going All the bikers are preparing to cycle the second day of the 170 mile bike tour.

Mike in the mix Mike is ready to rock and roll. at 7:35am.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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