New Jersey Metro Chapter Coast the Coast 170 Photos
(Updated June 4, 2009)

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BIKE MIKE 2009 Photo Page One

       Welcome to the 2009 MS-170 Photo Page. You will see photos of Mike and photos from the "Coast the Coast" 170 mile bike tour. The photos you will see are from May 16 and 17, 2009. Hope you enjoy the photos on this page.
       All photos on this page is in JPG color format. Must have permission to copy or paste any place else. Thank You!!

Bike Mike and the acting Rotary Club President On May 18, 2009. Mike went to the Belleville Rotary Club meeting. Talked about the Coast the Coast bike tour Bike Mike is doing. Collecting pledges/donation for Multiple Sclerosis. The Belleville Rotary Club pledged/donated $158.00. Cool!! Thank You!!

Lucky Bear posing with Bike mike cycling jersey the night before the bike tour. Lucky Bear is posing with Bike Mike cycling jersey the night before the 170 mile "Coast the Coast" bike tour.

Mike and a friend he always see at the start of the bike tour

Bike and his wonderful and supportive mother Wonder who that wonderful person standing next to Bike Mike. That be his awesome mother. She drives Mike mostly all the MS bike tours he does.

At Heck over foot bridge. Mike is at the foot bridge at 8:43am. As you can see. It is foggy out. Making Mike's glasses misty.

Photo of Mike from Photo By:

Here's a good photo of Bike Mike cycling along with with fog in the area near Belmar, NJ.

Belmar, NJ rest stop Mike taking photos at the Belmar Gazebo at 9:00am.

2nd Belmar Gazebo photo Another foggy Belmar Gazebo random photo. See the WRAT yellow radio tent to the right. Mike tried to win a prize by guessing a key to open the treasure chest. No luck of course.

3rd randon photo from Belmar Gazebo rest stop Still at the Belmar Gazebo rest stop. A cyclist stocking up on energy snacks.

A mouth full The red sign says it all. It reads "People Who Dreams The Most, Do The Most". The sign said a mouth full.

Mike with number #1 cyclist Bike Mike with the cyclist with a number #1 on his back. Wonder how much money he raised ot get that number?

Close up of Charity Cases Cool jersey the team has. Says "Charity Cases" in yellow.

Some of the "Charity Cases" team The team a bit bigger then this. Here are a few of the "Charity Cases" team members.

One of the big sponser . . . . Vitamin Shoppe Do we need to say more. A large team called "Team Vitamin Shoppe". Vitamin Shoppe is one of the big sponser for the MS bike tour.

a lot of bikes Try looking for your bike in that mess. SMILE!! Still at the Belmar Gazebo rest stop.

Vitamin Shoppe cyclist A Vitamin Shoppe cyclist coming into the Belmar Gazebo rest stop at 9:11am.

A Quick Step cyclist Here is a Quick Step cyclist coming to rest at the Belmar Gaezbo rest stop at 9:12am. Still some fog in the area.

Brielle Cyclery rest stop at 9:57am Welcome to the Brielle Cyclery rest stop at 9:57am. Check out how many cyclist coming into the rest stop.

More cyclist coming More bikers coming into the Brielle Cyclery rest stop.

A cyclist approaching Here are two MS cyclist approaching the Brielle Cyclery rest stop.

A cyclist with a smile A MS cyclist smiles as she comes to the Brielle Cyclery.

Bike parking lot Random photo shots at Brielle Cyclery.

not a congo line This is not a congo line at the Brielle Cyclery. Believe me!

Route 35 draw bridge All the MS bikers had to walk along Route 35 sidewalk bridge. The draw bridge went up. We was all stuck for a short while at 10:43am

MS bikers stuck on Route 35 bridge Here are some MS bikers stuck on the Route 35 bridge.

view form Route 35 bridge A shot of a few boats from the Route 35 bridge at 10:44am.

Centennial Park rest stop A couple of bikes hanging up at the Centennial Park rest stop at

In  Lavalette Town Here we are at the Centennial Park rest stop at 11:43am. In the Lavalette beach town.

2nd photo at Centennial Park rest stop Here's another photo from the Centennial Park rest stop in Lavalette beach town.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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