Bike Mike Bike Tour Stories
   (updated Jan 15, 2008)

"To Many Turns
To A Smooth Ride"

(Video feed is from a friend that posted the video on

               June 12, 2007 . . . Mike has done it again for the 15th time in the Mid-Jersey Chapter "Coast the Coast" 170 mile bike tour. The weather was nice when Mike was cycling. Saw vet bikers and made new friends along the way. Having a sore hip at one point.

       Ready to hear Mike's story version of the MS-170 bike tour.

       May 19th . . . Mike's friend Scott Wentworth from the Belleville Fire Department drove Mike to the start area at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ. Got him there in time to be on the "Today Show" on NBC tv LIVE. Mike even made a poster. Which got on tv. After signing in and putting his bag in the bike tour truck. He went to the start line. Mike used his poster to be seen on tv as he rolled in front of the live camera when the MS 85 and MS 170 started to roll out at 8:05am. The sky was sunny with some clouds and some breeze.

  • Mike was with a lot of bikers. Could not go up to his own pace speed at all for a couple of miles. Even had to stop at the walk bridge between Lake Ave to Asbury Ave. Becuase of so many bikers trying to get across the small foot bridge. (photos seen in MS170 photo page) Made it to the first rest stop at 8:55am. AV: 15.2, DST: 10.96, MX: 23.9mph and TM: 43:03. Mike won a prize from WRAT radio station at the Belmar Gazebo. Oh, he ate energy jellybeans made for sports.
  • To many left and right turns between Belmar and Point Pleasant. Some bikers got lost. But Mike was behind bikers that cycled on the old course. Which was a great idea. Mike passed two rest stop to make up for lost time with all them crazy turns. Mike hit a bump along Route 35 south. Thinking he bent the handlebar. Something needs to be done with the Route 35 shoulder big time between Point Pleasant and Route 37 in Seaside Heights. Made it to the Washington Street School rest stop in Toms River, NJ at 11:20am. A bit more clouds. DST: 43:80, MX: 24.3mph, AV: 15.5 and TM: 2:47:26.
  • Made it to lunch at the Cedar Creek School in Lacey Township at 12:14pm with some clouds. TM: 3:21:41, MX: 25.4mph, AV: 15.6 and DST: 52.70. A band was playing here at lunch. Playing 60's and 70's music. Ate more of the sports jellybeans.
  • Left lunch at 1:00pm. Passed the Ocean Vo Tech rest stop. Saw a couple of burnt areas before reaching the last rest stop of the day. Mike stopped at the final rest stop at the Lucille's Kitchen at 2:15pm with more clouds in the area. DST: 70.92, TM: 4:27:25, MX: 25.4mph and AV: 15.9.
  • Awhile before reaching Route 539. The right hip area started to bother Mike. Saw the worse area from the forrest fire on Route 539 south. Did take a couple of photos. Which can be seen on the bike tour photo page. The burnt forrest ended about a 1/2 or a mile before going over the Garden State Parkway bridge (exit 58) on Rotue 539. Then the route changed to reach the finish for the day. Drizzled the last 5 miles to the finish. Made it to Pineland Regioanal High School at 3:35pm. Some sun. DST: 85:37, MX:25.4, TM: 8:21:13 and AV: 15.9. Mike's right hip area. Where the upper leg meets the hip was hurting.
       Soon after reaching the finish on saturday. Mike got off his bike slowly. Because the right hip (muscles) area was aching. Mike called his mother to say he made it for the day. Then had a newspaper interview. Then he ate a hotdog. Inside he goes to check things out. 15 to 20 minutes after Mike finished. It poured like cats and dogs. Bikers still on the road got soaked. Anyway, he got his bag to setup his sleeping area. Sign up for a massage. Showered up to feel better and clean. Ate dinner while waiting for a massage. DJ Fred was inside this year. Played one of Big Mike's favorite music. Mentioned about how cool Mike is and all over the microphone. He got two massage. Because of his right hip muscles. Mike did make a few calls (one call went to Boy Scout Troop 364 in Boonton) and enjoy the outdoors and listen to the frogs. He goes in and tries to read his book. But wind up talking to a new friend that works for the Pineland High School.

       May 20th . . . The lights was tunred on about 5:30am. Mike thinks they are turning on the lights earlier and earlier. He got dressed right away. Packed and ate breakfast early. Then filled his water bottles. Put the bike outside and fill the tires to 120 psi. Mike wne back inside to hear a speech. The weather take off was sun and clouds. Mike did eat up the sports jellybeans first. He took of at about 7:35am. Not cold or chilly at all this year. Mike has no problem with the muscles in the right hip area. But was still worreid it might return.

  • When crossing the marsh bridge. Taking photos on the bridge. A yellow plane was flying all over the place and spraying for Gypsy Moths. Did get a photo of the yellow plane. Mike cycled on and tried to get a photo of the yellow plane as it flew close to the ground. The yellow plane was flying low at times. Mike made it to the first rest stop at Lower Bank Tavern at 8:24am. While at the rest stop. Mike found out from the Ham radio volunteers. They was trying to stop the spraying for while. Then the plane made one final pass by flying about 100 foot off the ground over the rest stop. DST: 10:59, TM: 40:32, MX: 21.0mph and AV: 15.9
  • Made it to the Port Republic rest stop ay 9:15am. Weather is nice. Wind so far was on Mike's back. TM: 1:20:50, MX: 22.5, AV: 16.3 and DST: 21:98. Chat with a few bikers.
  • Had wind front right of Mike awhile after leaving the last rest stop. Made it to the next rest stop called Bally Gaming at 10:28am. AV: 15.7, DST: 34.40, TM: 2:11:06 and MX: 22.5mph. Sun and clouds in the area. He drank a half of this energy drink called "5 Hour Energy".
  • Mike feels a energy rush he never felt before. Made it to the Masonic Temple in the Linwood area by 10:57am. Mostly sunny skies. DST: 38:52, TM: 2:26:40, MX: 26.0mph and AV: 15.6. Drank the rest of the "5 Hour Energy". It is a small bottle. Feels like he does not want to stop.
  • Was being hit by head wind at times. Made it to lunch in Ocean City Primary School at 11:43am. Sunny skies. Some wind of course. DST: 47:53, TM: 3:03:07, MX: 30.4 and AV: 15.5. Live band music while having lunch. Ate the last bag of sport jellybeans. Left lunch 12:25pm with sunny skies.
  • Had head wind to wind hitting to the right of him. Reached the Avalon Rec Center at 1:43pm. DST: 64.25, TM: 4:15:24, MX: 30.4mph and AV: 15.0. Still feel some rush from the "5 Hour Energy" bottle.
  • Before reaching the last rest stop of the tour. Mike felt a light stomache ache. He was being hit by wind like always this far south of New Jersey. He made it to Wildwood, NJ American Legion rest stop at 2:55pm. No problem with the muscle right hip. But got a new problem coming up. Mike has a stomache ache. Do not know why. DST: 76:04, TM: 5:09:05, MX: 30.4mph and AV: 14.7.
  • Awhile after leaving the Wildwood rest stop. Mike felt a energy crash. Felt like his body wanted to crash. This is something Mike never ever felt before either. But Mike did not stop. He pushed and forced his way to the finish. Mike made it to the finish line at the US Coast Guard Station in Cape May, NJ at 3:57pm with sunny skies. No clouds in sight. Just a few puffy clouds out in the distance in the north sky. DST: 85.02, TM: 51:50, MX: 30.4 and AV: 14.4. Stomache still bothers Mike.
       Mike signed in and got his bus tag. Got his bag and cleaned up. Called his mother to tell her the info needed. Got his BBQ food and listen to DJ Fred music. Mike was tired and relaxed till it was time to roll out.DJ Fred bought Mike a soda can to drink on the bus. Mike's bus suppose to leave at 5:30pm. But did not leave till 6:05pm. The 5:30pm and the 6pm left at the same time. Because the 5pm bus broke down at mile marker 4 on the Garden State Parkway. So both buses went to the location and helped the 5pm people. Then took off after 15 or 20 minutes from switching everything. Drove through a thunderstorm at mile marker 63. Made it to Monmouth University in the dark.

       The bike tour was fun and strange. Becuase of the many turns on the first day. Having a muscle problem in the right hip area. Then trying out a new energy drink that gave Mike a boost and then a really bad energy crash when it was done. Mike says he will never try the "5 Hour Energy" bottle again. He loves the sports energy jellybeans and the GU2O powder drink.

       Mike raised a total of $2,040.00. A late pledge came in after the tour that went from $2,015.00 to $2,040.00. Mike would love to thank everyone for pledging in person, by postal mail and online. Thanks for helping Big Mike stay in the $2,000 range for third year in a row.

       If you like to learn more about this MS chapter. Please go to Mid-Jersey Chapter for more information.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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