Bike Mike Bike Tour Stories
   (updated December 5, 2007)

"20th Anniversary Bike Tour"

               (Updated October 9, 2007) . . . Mike has reached past his personal goal. He raised $1,314.00 U.S. dollars for the Multiple Sclerosis Greater North Jersey Chapter. He is pretty happy that he raised this amount. Mike has raised over $1,000 U.S. dollars for the chapter three years in a row. His bike number for this tour was #76. The lowest it ever been!

       Ready to hear about how Mike did in the 20th Anniversary of the 2007 MS 100 bike tour. Here we go!!

     Sept. 15th . . . Mike was up about 5am saturday morning. His mother and him was out the door with the car packed with Mike's bag and bike. Made a few wrong turns on the way to the MS-100 bike tour. Light rain was falling now and then.
     On and off light rain while checking in, while bringing my bag to the MS truck and while putting my bike number onto my bike. With the help from my mother. While walking around doing things. I was taking pictures.
I started off in the light drizzle at 8:06am. The ribbon cutting was in front of me this time around.
  • I started from the start line at 8:06am from the Verizon Wireless parking lot in the Morristown, NJ. The sky was cloudy, and misty or light rain on and off.
  • Stopped at the first rest stop for a real pit stop. Which was at Township of Chatham Municipal Building. Reached here at 8:45am. (how miles logged from speedometer) DST:10.24 miles, (how long pedaling) TM:0hours and 36min and 15seconds, (average speed) AV:16.9mph, (top speed) MX:27.4mph.
  • Passed the second rest stop at 9:47am. Some light rain. The rest stop is Liberty Corner School.
  • Made it to lunch with good time. Lunch was at the Liberty Park on Park Ave in Peapack and Gladstone Boro at 10:15am. The sun is coming out. Thwe weather is warming up. DST:28.75, AV:16.00, TM:1:47:20, MX:32.5mph. Left lunch at 11:15pm. More sun and warming up nicely as I was leaving lunch.
  • Passed rest stop 4 at the Mendham Township Library. More sun and less clouds around.
  • Made it to the finish line of the first day at 1:10pm. TM:3:24:02, DST:50.50, MX:32.5. Getting windy and dry as I was cycling to the finish line.

     Went to check in, got room key, call my mother to tell her I made it for the day. Jumped into the pool. Then to the BBQ outside in the back of Parsippany Hilton. WDHA 105.5 FM was there. Plus table vendors was there. The food was great. My friend from CNBC came by to hang out for awhile. Then look at the 20 years of MS-100 gallery. Was pretty cool. Has photos of me here and there. Two guys on one end. One was playing a guitar and the other was singing. Then the MS speeches, raffle giveaway and then the comedy show done by Rodney Laney and Sandy Marks. Then slowly off to my room. Watched TV with whatever snacks I have. Wind up having the room to myself 3 times out of 4 years. NICE!! Bed time!!

     Sept. 16th . . . Woke about 6am. The sky is clear as a bell. Pretty chilly outside. Dressed into my cycling outfit. Did some stretches. Set up my cell for navigation. Took awhile! Because it be my first time using it. Took a photo of my first time seeing a sunrise in the bike tour. Out with the bike and bag to the first floor. Sign room key out. Ate breakfast. Call my mother to say I am leaving. Got some air in both tires.
  • The tour on this chilly sunday morning at 8:04am. Sped up a bit to warm up.
  • Made the first rest stop at 8:46am. Rest stop one is at the Mendham Township parking lot. Sunny skies of course. It will be a little while before it warms up. DST:11.70, MX:28.3, TM:46:10
  • Made the second rest stop at 10:04am. Which was at the Far Hills Railroad Station. Took some cool photos before reaching this stop by the way. Anyway, I wind up getting a slow leak in the front tire. Texting bro Deion. Finally left this rest stop at 10:50am. TM:1:36:54, DST:23.47, MX:28.5, AV:14.5
  • Made it to lunch at the Pluckemin Schoolhouse at 11:55am. Some clouds popping in the sky. Before reaching this rest stop. Took some cool photos at a local grass field airport. Saw Bro Deion at the lunch stop. Left lunch at 1:06pm. TM:2:33:00, MX:28.5, DST:37.45, AV:14.6
  • Made the 4th rest stop at 1:55pm. Sun & clouds and nice. This final rest stop was at the Millington Railroad Station. Saw my friend Tim from Montclair Bikery. TM:3:17:06, MX:32.2, AV:14.2, DST: 46.87
  • Made it to the finish line in Morristown, NJ at 2:53pm. Took some photos after I crossed the finish line. DST:58.21, TM:4:05:10, MX:32.2, AV:14.2

     Took a couple of photos at the finish line. Even Lucky Bear had a great time at the finish line. WHTZ Z-100 radio Party Patrol was present at the finish line area. Cheerleaders cheering on the bikers coming in. Including volunteers making noise. I went to eat and chat with friends and Z-100 crew. The food was great like always. My mother came about 5pm. Then we left!
     Final word . . . Almost cycled the wrong way at one point. Thank goodness I caught myself. Before getting lost. Saw my friends in the tour. Getting a slow leak on the second day. Close calls in the raffle. Comedy show was funny. BBQ food outside was yummy. Z-100 is the best at the finish area. 10% dark and wet to 90% awesome bike tour. Did not even use my poncho. Broke my personal first day time record. Hanging with my cycling friend is cool. Having the room to myself is great. (yes!) Wind up being a great tour this time. A fun 20th anniversary MS-100 tour.
     Raised a total of $1,314.00 for the MS Greater North Jersey Chapter. Thanks to those that helped me get over $1,000 U.S. dollars for three years in a row.

       Would like to thank my mom, FMBA #29, Perfect Pitch Homerun Derby, Belleville Councilman John Notari, Kids Swap in Denville, NJ, ScuttleButt in Nutley, NJ,, Some friends that are members of, Franklin Hairdresser, Algeri's Pizza, Nicolette's Auto Body, DJMC Entertainment, Not Just For Nails in Belleville, NJ, Cabrina's in Nutley, NJ and some friends of Belleville. Support from Scout Troop #364, my mother for driving to and home from the MS-100 tour.

       If you like to learn more about this MS chapter. Please go to Greater North Jersey Chapter for more information.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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