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(Updated June 14, 2006)
Welcome to Torchbearer Big Mike's Olympic Page. Short info how the olympic flame was carried across the Untied States. Full detail about the olympic torch. Plus about Big Mike Dowd. Also include photos with caption.
XIX Winter Olympic has ended The United States won a total of 34 medals.
"Big Mike Olympic Photo Pages"
(August 29, 2001) I, Big Mike Dowd have recieved a package letter from the Olympic Torch Relay office in Salt Lake City. Saying I was a potential Torchbearer. Had info if I was a offical torchbearer. Had to send in the forms that came with it and send it back to the Olympic Torch Relay office to make it offical. A copy of the letter is in the olympic photo page. The copy has been modified.
(September 29 and 30, 2001) My good friend Scott Wentworth and I did a two day car wash. I have to say this right now. My friend Scott helped me out a lot. Would not have done this on my own for sure. The car wash was first to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. When I got the letter August 29, 2001. I then split the two day car wash in two. First day was for the MS Society and the second day for the purchase of the olympic torch. Then after what happaned on 9-11. I split the money three ways. The most went to the New York Times 9-11 Neediest Fund. The money for the torch came out okay. The amount of the torch is $335.00. Some of the money went for the torch and the rest for the torch stand.
(October 4, 2001) I, Big Mike Dowd has been selected to be the 2002 winter olympic torchbearer. I am now one of 11,500 torchbearers in the United States to carry the flame in the olympic torch relay. It is a great honor to represent my community. The torch relay will be coming through New Jersey on December 23, 2001. Will not know where I (Big Mike) will run till sometime in December.
(October 7, 2001) Big Mike was honored by being asked to march in the Belleville/Nutley Columbus Day Parade. Riding ontop of the old fashion 1970 fire truck in the parade. Big Mike was waving the american flag proudly. While his good friend Scott Wentworth drives the cool fire truck.
(November 29, 2001) Big Mike Dowd made the front page of the local Belleville Times newspaper. Here is a thumb scale of what the paper looks like. Click the thumb photo to enlarge it to read.
(December 7, 2001) Big Mike Dowd was honored at the Concern Citizen of Belleville Christmas Party. He was the guest host honoree. The plaque reads......"Concerned Citizens of Belleville Salutes Michael Dowd Chosen To Carry The Olympic Flame For The Olympic Torch Relay Of The 2002 Winter Olympics". Everyone at the party likes to know where I (Big Mike) is going to carry the torch. They want to be there to see me go by the day I carry the torch. I do represent the township you know. SMILE!! Also was recgonized and a guest host....announcing a few acts at the local H.S. Talent Show the same night.
(December 11, 2001) Found out today that those carrying the olympic torch on December 23, 2001. The uniform and information will be delayed. Talked to a woman on the phone this morning from Salt Lake City office about why the package is so late? The nice woman said that the course for December 23rd might change. The woman said, "I hope the course does not change." The package could be shipped out for late this week or over the weekend and make it to torchbearers home by monday, December 17th. I say this stinks big time. The Belleville Times editor and I wanted the info in the paper this week and next week. So people can plan and know where I will carry the torch on December 23rd.
(December 17, 2001) The uniform and information is being shipped late for a reason. Because I was told early last week of a possible course change for December 23rd. I was promised that the package would be at my door monday the 17th of December. That goes for all torchbearers suppose to carry the torch on December 23rd. That is TODAY!! Hope to have the info where I'm suppose to carry the torch later on today. Hope to have the info in the local paper on-time too. My local paper only comes out once a week.
(December 18, 2001) BIG MIKE'S LOCATION IS.....in Staten Island, New York on December 23, 2001. No joke folks!! I am carrying the olympic torch in New York sunday morning. You can see me carry the torch on the corner of Victory Blvd and Saint Marks Place to Bay Street and Slosson Terrace in northeast section of Staten Island, NY. Best time to see me carry the torch is 11:13am. Give or take a few minutes. So be there early! Bring your camera, video camera or something to view and never forget. Maybe I can get a copy to air on cable channel WBHS and put it in the local paper. Bring a poster reading "Let's Go Big Mike Dowd". It be cool to have Belleville residents along the route. SMILE!!!
(January 1, 2002) The Olympic Torch Relay has come and gone through New Jersey and New York City area. The Olympic Torch Relay in this area was December 23, 2001. The 20th day of the 65 day long torch relay to Salt Lake City, Utah.
You are about to read Big Mike's story from beginning to end. Big Mike carried the olympic torch in Staten Island, NY. Then when you are done reading here. Look ontop and check out the photos in the photo pages. Each photo will also includes a story along with it.
My mother and I picked up two good friends that came along. M. McCabe from WBHS and Scott Wentworth from the Belleville Fire Department. McCabe came along to see me and video tape me. Scott came along to see me and gave awesome direction with his big book map. We left early in the morning on December 23rd. Just in case we gotten lost along the line. Got to Staten Island with no problem. Then finding the school was also no problem. Public School 16 that is. We was there before 8:30am. Not many torchbearers this early in the morning. Talked to other torchbearers while waiting. Even took videos and pictures. I had a froggy throat since December 20th. Had a bit hard time talking to people. Eh!! Was waiting to bump into the lady I talked to on the phone December 21st from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Her name is Arney from New York City MS building. Did meet some nice people during the time. Later in the morning. A long time friend Vinnie F. and his wife Phyllis came by with a poster sign. The poster read "Torchbearer Big Mike Dowd". What a suprise!! Talked to the principal of PS School 16. Picture taken and video taped. Shuttle bus four was gathering together by the torch relay host. Was being told about the torch and so on. All those in shuttle olympic bus five was now in front of school 16. Finally met Arney and the lady with the cane that has MS. The lady with MS is the one carrying the torch with Arney by her side. Was suppose to take pictures. They was there a bit late. They had to sign in and all and then onto the shuttle bus four. Bus four leaves after the speeches and talking. Then it was my turn. Those waiting for olympic shuttle bus five. I met the person passing the olympic flame to me. His name was Mr. Chevallier. I got my number. Which is 068. Mr. Chevallier is 067. He works for a big international business. Had his own photographer. Sheeesh! Wish I had my own. SMILE! Then met the nice lady I will be passing the olympic flame to. I forgot her name. But she had 069. The olympic host gave each torchbearer a torch to use for taking pictures for a short time. Mr. Chevallier and I took a picture together. Which was cool! The torch relay host for bus five got all the torchbearers togther. Talked about the torch. how to hold it. How to pick up the flame when it reaches you and so on. I even did my part by pretending to make a crowd noise. SMILE! Everyone laughed! After the host talked. We all gave back the torches. Slowly boarded the shuttle bus. The host said to friends and families that it was now time to leave for the destination where torchbearers carrying the olympic flame. Forgive me as I did forget the names of the torch relay hosts and most torchbearers. On the shuttle bus, the young lady host spoke about the video that was about to play on the TV screen. The video showed the recent shoot of how the olympic flame started and how it got to the United States. Even showed the first torchbearer. Which is Mohammad Ali. The bus still did not move yet. Each torchbearer told a story how they was chosen. When I told my story. I only told parts of it. Because I was excited and nervous a bit. There was two torchbearers from diferent local radio station. One from WHTZ NY radio and the other from Hot 97 NY radio. Anyway, I was excited. Did a little dance. The olympic host saw me do the little dance. The lady host asked if I was ready. All I said with a big smile was Yup! When the bus did move. We gone as far as Daneil Low Terrace and Victory Blvd for a bit. Then moved on. Dropped off the first two torchbearers. Then it was my turn to get off the bus. I was very excited of course. Again, I did a little dance in my seat. I got off and waved. The torch was in my hand. The guy on the motorcycle (Shrek) turned on the gas on my torch with a special key. Waited for the media one truck to roll by. Then I was told to move to the middle of the street. Torchbearer Mr. Chevallier (067) came up to me. I lowered my torch slowly, but the glass from mine still cling to his torch when the flame jumped to my torch. We shaked hands before I turned and jogged. I wondered if McCabe would keep up with me while video taping. While I was jogging. I kept looking at the flame on the torch. I was smiling and excited. Did hold my support runners hand twice. She was also excited. The support runner said that this is amazing. No...I do not remember her name. Trying to keep the torch high in the air. But my right arm slowly started to get a bit tired. Then switched to the left hand before the end. As I came to the next torchbearer. I slowed down a bit. Then walked the last couple of feet to the torchbearer in front of me. I lowered my torch towards torchbearer 069. Which I met, but forgot her name. After lighting her torch. I gave her a kiss before she took off with the olympic flame. I walked to the side. The same guy (Shrek) took the torch and turned off the gas and the flame is out. The olympic bus from behind came and I jumped on. All I said was....WOW! Sat in front of the bus, drank Coca-Cola and watched each torchbearer come on the bus. But not all torchbearers came back on the bus. Some torchbearers went with families or friends after they carried the olympic flame. The bus I was on went to Richmond Park. Where the lunch Ceromony was. Tried to call my mother using the relay host cell phone. But she forgot how to answer my cell phone. Then went to watch the ceromony. A suprise came up. Half brother Deion and Pat came. Plus there Uncle Dave. I saw three guys taking pictures and video taping. I waved and all. Not knowing it was them yet. Did not click in. As I walked by. Deion said to me, "Don't you recgonize your brother". Something like that! Started to hug each other and all. I did not know what to do. I wanted to show them my torch and talk, but did not know how long was going to be there. This guy at the podeuim came up to me. Asking my name and if I was the next torchbearer to carry the flame. I told the guy I already ran with the torch. But he got my name anyway. That I might be on stage. Time ran out for me. I had to go back on the shuttle bus. Pick up a few more torchbearers. Then headed back to PS School 16. The driver missed the school twice. Got off the olympic shuttle bus and then gone home. December 23, 2001 is the day I will not ever forget. EVER!
The people that came to see me carry the olympic flame. I won't forget you. Those that selected me to carry the olympic flame. I won't forget you either. To all my friends and families in and around Belleville. I love you all. I represent the township of Belleville and the Multiple Sclerosis Mid-Jersey Chapter. The torch belongs to the residents of Belleville.
(Febraury 28, 2002) Big Mike been doing the "Show and Tell Torch Tour" in his hometown schools. Mike was suppose to only do a few classes at each school. Was suprised by doing the entire school in the auditorium in school 3 and 7. Mike got a bit nervous doing a huge crowd. He also did school 5, 9, Belleville High and Lopatcong School near Phillipsburg, NJ. The Belleville Middle School students sent Mike a letter what they all learned about the torch. The students was like . . . WOW in the letters. Never knew about the five rings of the torch. As one student wrote . . . . I learned that the torch embodies several themes. The body of the torch resembles ice in color and texture and is constructed of glass and silver metal. I did not know all of these things till you came in and told us. All letters to Big Mike was written on a smiley face paper. Some teachers from some of the schools get the goose bumps just touching the olympic torch. Some was even afriad to even touch ot or hold it. A lot of schools kids did ask a lot of good questions. Mike was nervous enough. Finally got his friend Scott Wentworth to come along with him. Because Mike would mess up or forget something.
(Febraury 27, 2002) On Febraury 26th, 2002. Big Mike was honored by the mayor and council at 7:00pm. A resolution was adopted in Big Mike's name on December 7th, 2001.
(Febraury 28, 2002) Big Mike Dowd will be marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Nutley on March 2, 2002 at 1:00pm. He will be wearing his olympic uniform and carrying the olympic torch in the parade.
(October 18, 2002) Big Mike marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. He also met New Jersey Govenor Jim McGreevy during the parade on March 2nd, 2002. few photos is in Photo Page Four.
(October 18, 2002) Big Mike's Olympic stuff was displayed during the month of June 2002 at his local library.
(December 29, 2002) A sandwhich was named after Big Mike. It is Big Mike's Ham and Cheese sandwhich. Has lots of warm ham, lightly melted american cheese, four fresh tomatos, chopped up lettuce and mayo. The cheese setup like the olympic flame on the edge of the sandwhich. The sandwhich is huge and cut in half. It started the sandwhich test on December 10, 2002. The sandwhich is a HIT at lunch time. Made the offical run on December 27, 2002 when Mike appeared at Attilio's. The special will run only one or two week a month. Sooo, go check it out at 278 Diamond Spring Road in Denville, NJ. You need more information. Then give a call at 973-627-6200. Also ask about the history of the place. Becuase it use to be a drug store. It is a really nice place. Like being back in time. A few photos is in Photo Page Four you see ontop of this page.
(April 8, 2004) On the date of January 17, 2004, a dinner plate was named after Big Mike. It was a birthday dinner with Mike's mother, his friend Niko and Sergio. The name of the special dinner plate is "Big Mike's Steak". A couple of people did order the new special dinner. Mike tried it and it was huge. He loved it. It was so big, he had to finish the rest at home. Mike like to thank my many friend at Attilios Kitchen in Denville. He said it once and will say it again. They are all wonderful! (smile)
(September 10, 2004) The 2004 Summer Olympic Torch has passed. It took place at Athens Greece. The place where it all began. The date of the summer olympic began friday, August 13, 2004 and ended on August 29, 2004.
There was something new and a first. The 2004 Torch Relay went around the world. Gone through 33 cities and 26 countries. There was a total of 3,600 torchbearers carrying the Olympic Torch. It reached the United States in the middle of June 2004. The cities where the Olympic Torch gone through in the United States was Los Angeles on June 16th, Saint Louis on June 17th, Atlanta on June 18th and New York City on June 19, 2004.
Here are two links you can check out. If the links are still in working order. They are Athens 2004 and United States Olympic Committee (USOC). websites about the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic and the 2004 Torch Relay.
Big Mike was selected as a 2004 alternate torchbearer. There are 3 alternate torchbearer per major city around the world. Big Mike was one of three alternates for New York City. Big Mike might not have helped carry the torch for 2004. But is honored to be picked as an alternate.
Now for Big Mike words....It is not my half sisters or her husband fault. I was invited to the torchbearer reception party at Gracie Mansion in New York City. The event was from 5:30pm to 7pm on friday, June 18th. My half sister did not know the traffic was going to be that bad to enter New York City. Because her husband told her not to leave two and a half hour early. Then she had bumper to bumper traffic coming to me. Then we got caught in an hour long traffic to enter the Lincoln Tunnel. Then traffic in New York City. We did not reach Gracie Mansion till 7:05pm. We missed everything that happened in the back of Gracie Mansion. We did get a goodie bag, my uniform and then eat. The goodie bag had a limited edition torch relay Greek version Coca-Cola bottle, A special torch relay pin and a blue torch relay T shirt. My half sister and I did get a photo with Donald Trump and a New Jersey Nets player number 55. I forgot the Nets Player name. Donald Trump was with his wonderful girlfriend. She was wearing a one piece pink outfit. Then we left after looking around taking pictures. After reaching home. I had the cell phone and the house phone by me that friday night and all day saturday. Did not go anyplace what so ever. Becuase they can call at anytime. Each time the phone rang. I think it is from the torch relay office in New York City. My heart was thumping away. But it be family and friends calling. Nothing happened all day!! I knew I was really not needed when it hit 4 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Watched the torch relay on the news. It looked like New Years Eve at Times Sqaure on the news. Wow!!
Big Mike did take pictures with Donald Trump and the Nets player. The photos from June 18th is up.
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