The 19th 2002 Salt Lake Winter Games will be something Mike will never forget. So to go back on the 2002 Winter Games. To remember how it all went. Then go to the 2002 Salt Lake Games website. Which is now hosted by
To check out the past Olympic events like the 2002 Winter Games and know the future Olympic Games. It is recommended to head for the offical IOC Olympic website to find the information you might be looking for.
The Athens 2004 Summer Games was a special Summer Games. Because the torch relay went around the world. To all seven continnents. Before it came to Athens, Greece. Plus Mike almost had the chance to carry the 2004 olympic torch as a backup torchbearer. Want to remember the 2004 Games? You would have to go the 2004 Athens part of the site in order to see the photos and all of the 2004 Games information again.
Click play to see the Atlanta Olympic Torch Relay come Through Belleville, NJ in June of 1996. If you know what Mike looks like. You will also see him in the video. Turn on your speaker to hear the sound. Video done Anthonyds24.
Here is a short info about Sam Shelton. Who created the
2002 Olympic Torch. Sam Shelton also created the 1996 olympic torch. To learn more of the creation of the 2002 olympic torch. Why he made the torch the way he did. Then you need to go to the 2002 Olympic Torch website.
A photo of Professor Sam Shelton holding the 2002 olympic torch he created.
Photo By: Sue Clites
How did Bike Mike Dowd get the chance to carry the 2002 Olympic Torch you ask? Follow from the first link on how he got the chance to the last link page in this section.
Aug. 29, 2001
Sept. 7, 2001
Sept. 29 and 30, 2001
Nov. 4, 2001
Dec. 7, 2001
Dec. 11, 2001
Dec. 17, 2001
Dec. 18, 2001
Jan. 1, 2002
Feb. 27, 2002
Feb. 28, 2002
Feb. 28, 2002
March 2, 2002
October 18, 2002
Dec. 29, 2002
June 20, 2004