Torchbearer Mike Photo Page
   (Updated Febraury 27, 2002)

Torchbearer Big Mike Dowd
Photo Page Two

Big Mike just before boarding the olympic shuttle bus. Here is a photo of Big Mike Dowd holding the olympic torch listening to one of the olympic host about what will happen when it is your turn to carry the flame.

Big Mike and his new friend ChevallierA photo of Big Mike and Mr. Chevallier posing before boarding the olympic shuttle bus. Mr. Chevallier passes the flame to Big Mike later in the morning.
Big Mike posing with the BFD Flag ShipMy good friend Scott Wentworth took this shot of Big Mike in front of the BFD flag ship hours after carrying the olympic flame.

Big Mike with his mother and good friends The people you see in this photo are wonderful. Starting from left to right. Phyllis, Vinnie, Big Mike, My mother, FM Scott and M. McCabe in Staten Island, NY.

Big Mike at PS School 16 in Staten Island, NY Big Mike posing for the camera. Only a bit after 8:30am on Dec. 23, 2001. Not many people are here yet at PS School 16.

Niece is very proud of her Uncle Mikey.Here is Mikey's 6 year old niece proudly holds onto the olympic torch. She is very happy and talks about her uncle torchbearer Mikey. SMILE!!

photo of Big Mike and his mother This picture is one of many coolest photo on here. This is my mother and I at PS 16 in Staten Island, NY. She cried when I carried the olympic flame on December 23, 2001.

Big Mike receives award Big Mike receives an award from the Concern Citizen of Belleville on December 7, 2001. It is for being selected to represent the township of Belleville in the 2002 olympic torch relay.

w-miketorch2002.jpg The photo you see was taken by Photographer pros from Kodak Company as a gift and is allowed to use anyway the torchbearers like to use them. This is a photo of Big Mike jogging on December 23, 2001 in Staten Island, NY.

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Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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