Torchbearer Mike Photo Page

(Febraury 28, 2002)

     Big Mike been doing the "Show and Tell Torch Tour" in his hometown schools. Mike was suppose to only do a few classes at each school. Was suprised by doing the entire school in the auditorium in school 3 and 7. Mike got a bit nervous doing a huge crowd. He also did school 5, 9, Belleville High and Lopatcong School near Phillipsburg, NJ. The Belleville Middle School students sent Mike a letter what they all learned about the torch. The students was like . . . WOW in the letters. Never knew about the five rings of the torch. As one student wrote . . . . I learned that the torch embodies several themes. The body of the torch resembles ice in color and texture and is constructed of glass and silver metal. I did not know all of these things till you came in and told us. All letters to Big Mike was written on a smiley face paper. Some teachers from some of the schools get the goose bumps just touching the olympic torch. Some was even afriad to even touch ot or hold it. A lot of schools kids did ask a lot of good questions. Mike was nervous enough. Finally got his friend Scott Wentworth to come along with him. Because Mike would mess up or forget something.

GO BACK . . . . what are you waiting for?

Memory of Belleville Police Officer Ken Santucci
Will never forget Sept. 11, 2001
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